Sunday Worship
All Age Worship
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We meet for worship at 10.30 am each Sunday. We serve coffee, tea and biscuits after every service.

The first Sunday in the month includes Communion. Ours is an open table, all who have accepted Jesus Christ as Saviour and seek to serve Him as Lord are welcome to partake.

All-Age Cafe Services are held on a roughly quarterley basis.

Why not plan to join us one Sunday and try us out? Our services are informal with a mixture of comtemporary and traditional music.. We can always make provision for any children who come.


February            9th  Eddie Kerridge
                          16th  Rev. Norman Tharby
                          23rd  Stephen Spurgeon

March                2nd  Rev. Norman Tharby - inc Communion
                             9th  Rev. Robert Green
                           16th  Rev. Reg Craig
                           23rd  Mark Partridge - All-Age Cafe Service
                           30th  Rev. Norman Tharby

April                    6th  Rev. Reg Craig - inc Communion
                          13th  Rev. Richard Edwards
                          20th  Rev. Norman Tharby - Easter Sunday
                          27th  Rev. Reg Craig

May                     4th  Rev. Paul Hills - inc Communion
                           11th  Kevin Moore
                           18th  Mike Forrester
                           25th  Rev. Reg Craig




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